Have a Bible Question?
Ask me a Bible question and I will give you a Biblical answer. It is not important what I think or what your friends, family, or others think about issues pertaining to life. What is important is what God says in His Word. We as Christians should strive to be like Jesus Christ and live according to His Word and in His ways.
I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely manner. If I can not answer your question in a timely manner, I will point you in the right direction of finding the resource that you need to have your question answered.
Respectfully, due to my time being limited and valuable to me to spend it wisely for the glory of God, I will not engage in an email debate about a biblical answer that I have given. If you do not like the answer you have received from the Word of God (The Bible), then your problem is not with me, but with God.
May God bless you my friend.
In His Service,
Pastor Clayton Casteel
*Please send your question to: solidrockbaptistchurch101@gmail.com