Missionaries to the Philippines & Southeast Asia.
Julius focus is on Soul Winning, Church Planting, and Training the Nationals.
You may contact him at: Philippine Phone #: 011-63-908-215-4128
Email Address: Joshmission07@yahoo.com
Characters on the King's Highway Puppets
We provide the charater. He provides the Heart.
A mission of our youth to spread the love of Jesus every Sunday morning!

Each week hundreds of children come to school on Monday morning , hungry , irritable and not ready to learn. The reason being that they had no food on the weekend while they were home. Backpack Buddies is a program that supplies food packs to schools so they can send one home on Friday with the children at risk for being hungry on the weekend. It gives them food for Saturday and Sunday so they can return to school rested and ready to learn.

Operation Christmas Child
OCC Shoe Boxes is a year-round mission for Solid Rock!
We collect resources begining in January to prepare for November!
Our youth sponsors a "Spare Change Sunday" the 4th Sunday of each month.
Bring any of your spare change to support of shoe box efforts!
Click here for information on How to Pack a Shoebox!
Click here for shoebox labels!